Cybersecurity Computer Vision Articles

This category contains articles that relate to the cybersecurity industry in general and specifically to the benefits of implementing Computer Vision for the purpose of phishing detection.

Computer Vision enhances the process of detecting and blocking phishing attacks by automating the detection of graphical attack vectors in emails and web pages at scale. The use of logo detection, text detection, object detection and visual search provides a critical layer of additional visual insights that, when added to traditional programmatic analysis, can significantly increase detection rates.

What is Visual Artificial Intelligence?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Visual Artificial Intelligence: a powerful addition to any technology You know that we are living in a visual world and we are […]

Anti-Phishing Cybersecurity Technology
APWG Phishing Trends Report: Year on Year Review (2018 to end 2021)

Reading Time: 6 minutes A close examination of the APWG Phishing Trends Report 2018 to 2021 TLDR: The APWG Phishing Trends Report has, in recent years, […]

Anti-Phishing Cybersecurity
APWG Phishing Trends Report: Year on Year Review (2022)

Reading Time: 5 minutes A close examination of the APWG Phishing Trends Report (Q1 2022) TLDR: Our previous article on this subject focused on the historical […]

Anti-Phishing Cybersecurity
Are Website CMS, Email Marketing, and Survey Platforms Accountable For Their Part In The Phishing Epidemic?

Reading Time: 7 minutes TLDR: Phishing attacks have reached the highest levels ever seen. Bad Actors are abusing convenient and well-known platforms to craft emails, web […]

Anti-Phishing Cybersecurity
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